Why Advertise?

Target a significant buying segment of the pipeline industry at a low cost.

Deliver your unique message directly to the industry leaders

Grow your profits by advertising with Pipeline Intelligence Report.
Pipeline Intelligence Report Advertisement
Published twice monthly, Pipeline Intelligence Report reaches the real decision makers. Approximately 80% of our paid subscribers are Contractor Owners. Third Party Engineering Company Owners with the remainder being Supplier Owners. We additionally mail to over 250 Vice Presidents and Managers of Engineering and Construction at various pipeline companies.
It’s a simple procedure. Send us your digital ad to fit within the dimensions listed below. If you don’t have an ad, creative assistance in the production of an ad for your company is available starting as low as $200.
Material & Printing Specs
Please submit digital PC files only.
Advertisement Rates
Half Page Horizontal Only
Suggested File Format
PDF Images must be 150 dpi or higher
Creative Assistance
Our staff will assist you in creating and producing an ad starting at $200
Digital ad must be at Publisher by:
5th of the month for mid-month issue
20th of the month for first-of-month issue
Payment for ad space and creative services, if any must be made prior to publication

Pipeline Intelligence
P.O. Box 1099
Missouri City, TX 77459-1099
To pay online please contact us about your order. We will email you an online invoice to make payment online.
Pipeline Intelligence
Directory Advertisement
Pipeline Intelligence Directory will be available in late March.
Now is the time to place your company’s advertisement on the desk of the decision makers who will be using this Directory on a daily basis throughout the year. There’s no better way to have your name, address and phone number at their fingertips.
Pipeline Intelligence Directory is the most current, accurate source of information available for key personnel of gas transmission, gas distribution, and chemical companies as well as contractors, sub-contractors, engineering companies, service companies and suppliers that are involved in the pipeline industry.
If you have a product or service about which the industry should be aware, let Pipeline Intelligence Directory carry your message directly to that market through the pages of the nation’s best directory for pipeliners.
All special positions are full page only and available at 10% above the base rate.
Add $450 for color.
* All advertisers will receive a free Directory*
Space reservations must be made by January 31. Camera ready art must be received by us no later than February 28.
Creative Assistance
Our staff will assist you in creating and producing an ad starting at $200
Payments for ad space and/or services must be made in full upon receipt of invoice unless other arrangements are made.
Directory Rates:
Contact us for additional size preferences.